Saturday, August 29, 2009

Bo Bunny 2009 Summer Collections

While searching the internet for various scrapbook layouts to help me with my latest products - I stumbled across Bo Bunny's gorgous new collections! I, of course, had to spread the word! Bo Bunny has some of the cutest collections available!

Bo Bunny "Kitchen Spice":

Bo Bunny "Butter Flutter"

Bo Bunny "Delilah":

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Great Printable Scrapbooking Paper and Cut Outs For FREE!!!

I love free things! (Doesn't everyone?) When I first started scrapbooking I was broke so I had to improvise by printing my own paper, using printable cut outs and embellishment, etc. The website below was by far my favorite. Check it out!